Posts tagged ‘app’

May 1, 2012

Theres an App for that…

by mommahasapottymouth

In a society that is built on looks alone, I am disturbed by this app. I’m sure that it will be a hit at frat parties and drinking games, but I think it is absurd!


The app I’m specifically talking about is called “How Ugly Are You?” and it is an iPhone app. I don’t even know where to begin. I have no idea how much it costs, but I do know that it scans the structure of your face, looking for symmetry. And then it gives you a rating from 1 to 10, 10 being the very ugliest.

I guess my concern is the young generation havin smart phones to begin with. They are impressionable. One friend at the lunch table says ” Hey Dorothy, come on over here. I wanna take your picture. It will tell you how pretty you are.” And BAM! she gets a 10. Then what? The girl becomes (or rather tries) to change her self into something that is not needed.

Save the ” parents know what their children download” crap. I used to work for a MAJOR wireless company. There are so many STUPID parents out there that have no idea what their children are doing or looking at its amazing.

(SO this wasn’t supposed to be about kids with cell phones. It’s about apps. I have a post in the works about kids with cell phones. Your gonna love it. I HOPE it gets a debate going. Or someone telling me I am wrong. )

Any who….

So why exactly would one purchase this stupid idea of an app?? I mean really, when you look in the mirror, you honestly know if one side of your face is different then the other, don’t ya??


Next look for the dumbest smart phone apps. Yup. I am stooping that low! See y’all later!




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